Your funeral director can help you with the preparation and placement of the obituary. With this information, you can decide how long you can afford to make the obituary. Since font sizes and margins differ from paper to paper, it’s a good idea to call in and ask how many words fit in a column inch on average, how much that will cost, and if there is a word limit. Most newspapers charge by the column inch, which is how much of a page your obituary will take up.

If you have an unlimited budget to run your obituary, you won’t need to worry at all about length, but if you are on a budget you’ll want to find out exactly how much the newspaper charges. Here Are Ten Steps to Writing a Touching Obituary: 1. It also can act as a remembrance, both for the writer and the readers, as a way of connecting and processing the loss.

An obituary serves an incredibly important function: it alerts friends and colleagues that a death has occurred and provides essential information regarding planned services. But with proper preparation and a little guidance, you can write a fitting tribute to a life well lived. The loss of a loved one which necessitates the writing of an obituary is far from a happy occasion, and in the midst of grief it can be difficult to imagine writing anything at all.