So if you want those shortcuts, you can go to the Finder menu up at the top, go to Preferences again, back to that sidebar tab, and you can enable the missing shortcuts. You might see that a few are missing, like your music folder and your pictures folder. But if we look on the Mac, we see the same shortcuts, but you might not see all of the same shortcuts. On Windows, we see shortcuts over here on the left for standard folders where you might store your videos, your music, your pictures, and most importantly, your documents. And from here, you can open folders and browse through your files, but you'll probably use shortcuts most often. So the C Drive or the Macintosh HD are your starting point on your main storage drive. So once again, I'm going to select that and we'll see the contents over here on the right. When that is enabled, you should see your Macintosh HD listed here. If you don't see it, what you should do is go to the Finder menu up at the top, then go to Preferences, then to this sidebar tab and make sure the option is enabled to show your hard disks.

Now, on the Mac, you're looking for the option for Macintosh HD, but it's possible that you might not see it there. So you can see when I select it, it shows the contents of that drive over on the right.

Every other folder on your drive is contained here. I'm going to select that, and this is your primary storage drive. Starting on Windows, I want to click the arrow next to where it says This PC, and I'm looking for the C Drive. In both of these tools, you have a sidebar on the left where you can select a location and then it will share the contents over on the right.

But I already have it pinned to the Task Bar, so I'm going to click that to launch it. It is possible to remove it, but it's pretty important, so I don't recommend you remove it, but if it's not there, you can go to the Start menu, scroll through your list of all applications, find the folder called Windows System, and you can open File Explorer from there, or you can right-click on it, go to More, and if it's not already pinned to the Task Bar, you'll see an option to pin it from here. On Windows, you will use File Explorer, and most users have an icon for File Explorer in the Task Bar. On the Mac you will use Finder, which you can open from this icon in the dock. These are the tools that you use to browse and organize the files on your storage drive. In this video, we'll compare File Explorer with Finder.